The Stranger Within

Julia Griffin - author Home About Writings Contact us

Woman crying


21st July 2024

Excerpt of this submission published in The Persimmon Tree for their Special Issue on Encountering and Countering Violence

Violence, and the anger that underpins it, will have its roots in some initial happening or experience in a person's life. With everything, there is a reason and perhaps in trying to help those who are violent we need to address how and why these people are violent. What has occurred in their life, and how was their childhood? What is the root of this violence?

Do materialism and greed hold some answers to the imbalance and extremes of behaviour?
Do what we value and how we live need to change?

Nature is a place for healing. Perhaps more connection with nature, particularly for children as they discover themselves, would help all communication and enable truth to emerge to give us strength, self-control and a reason and purpose for living.