The Stranger Within

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Biodiversity and the Importance of Nature

16th February 2021

For the attention of Nathalie Seddon, Professor of Diversity, University of Oxford

Dear Professor Seddon

We discovered your interest in biodiversity and the importance of nature. We, too, share this concern for how Man is dishonourably mistreating and not respecting the Natural Law. Mankind in his arrogance believes that his law should reign supreme but at The Erasmus Foundation we have the belief that the Natural Law will reign supreme, created by the Great Mind who has put order to all creation.

We recently published a booklet on our expectations for the future of children's education and how this should be revolutionised for the benefit of future generations moving forward into a more spiritual age of sanity and concern for the health of this planet. If this should interest you, we would be pleased to send you a copy of this as a pdf, and if you would like to discuss anything more we would be pleased to hear from you.