The Stranger Within

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open hands

Truth and Openness

10th September 2020

(To Mr Nick Robinson – Radio 4 Today Presenter)

Dear Mr Robinson

I was interested to read your piece in the Radio Times: 'Treat us like grown-ups!' and completely agree with you that it would be refreshing to hear more straight forward talking, openness and truth. I always enjoy listening to your independent speakers and reporters much more than MPs.

In reading your piece, I thought you might be interested in some words that were given to us recently here at The Erasmus Foundation by our spiritual tutor on 'Coronavirus Mutations'. Perhaps you might get the opportunity to ask the question about the possible link to how we treat animals and how we process our meat to the emergence and growth of the coronavirus? Many of the spikes in the growth of the virus are at places linked to meat and meat processing; and it has been said that the virus shows up first in saliva – why is this? Is it from what we have been eating?

The following words on Coronavirus Mutations were given to us on 25th August:

"The corona virus mutations are stronger in their resilience and their effect because, as in nature, there is memory and memory is used to evolve from previous experience and strengths to exploit for the development of the new strain. As Darwin had first discovered through evolution of the species, it is the strongest strain that survives to develop the new species; therefore, the corona virus may very well develop stronger over the coming years, more than is expected at this time.

The strains and mutations of this virus, as they become more numerous, will propagate even larger numbers of mutations from this, like seeds being dispersed on the wind, further creating a wider pandemic as the disease is taking control across your world; all of this stimulated by the abuse and unwholesome meat production throughout your world which, from many countries, has spread this plague because Man has yet to realise the consequences of exploiting nature in an unhealthy and greedy manner."

At the moment we are told that there is a lull or dip in hospital emissions and deaths because many people have built up an immunity to the first wave of the virus, but the virus is growing in quantity and strength and mutating to a point when it will become more fatal, and to many more people worldwide than before. This is why we think that the root cause of the virus should be questioned more, rather than simply relying on and talking about social distancing, masks and washing hands, which are simply dealing with the symptoms.

We have other information on the coronavirus given to us by our tutors earlier in the year if you are interested. This can be found on our web site If you would like to get in touch, if we can help further, we would be pleased to do so.