The Stranger Within

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Planet in the sky behind clouds

Motivation for Change

February 2023

Published in the BeZine Summer Issue

Each life is unique and an opportunity for our Spirit to learn and make progress. This is one of the fundamental things I have learnt from my time at The Erasmus Foundation, a spiritual teaching and healing centre in Laxfield, Suffolk, in the United Kingdom. We are Spirit within a physical body, the physical including the brain which is like the computer of the body, and the Spirit has eternal life and is our mind and contains everything about us from our very beginnings, as well as our Tapestry of Life; a framework for this particular life that we have accepted to live here on the Earth to see how we learn from the various tests and challenges, the people we meet and are close to, as well as the enjoyment and achievements that should be a part of any life. This is the balance and is all designed by what we call The Great Mind, a force or mind so much wiser than us with control over all life and a plan for the Universe that contains great truth, logic and reason.

The most important value that we seem to have lost is truth. So, if we want to effect change within us and around us, I believe we need to first look at ourselves completely in truth, analyse what we find and realise what we need to do to bring about a certain balance in our structure. Because to go forward with a realisation of our purpose we need to know our strengths and our weaknesses in this particular life and put some endeavour into using the former to reduce the latter. Finding our purpose will be one of the rewards from this work and should give us motivation and energy to fuel change. This can be change for ourselves personally, for those around us, or for our world – or all three! We teach so much by our example that really a little change within can have widespread benefit. It should feel right and it should feel a comfortable path for us to take and give meaning to our daily lives. And I think it is important to realise that every single person has a purpose, otherwise we would not be here and the life would not have been designed by the Great Mind for us.

Change is part of the Natural Law which is what I believe governs the Universe we are a part of, and change is constant. If we can accept this then it might help with any fear of change that can occur at times in our life. Fear can restrict us. And often it is fear of the unknown or fear of failure that fuels this feeling. On the other hand, acceptance with understanding can free us and motivate us to use our energy wisely. If we can accept that there is a greater plan and we are part of that plan, then this could help us with any thoughts of our future, knowing that whilst we can still make some plans for the future, we can only really impact the here and now, the present, the moment in what we choose to do and how we choose to live our life. So, if we can accept that change happens, what I believe would help us is the ability to adapt; and to adapt we need to be resilient. To be resilient we need to know ourselves well in truth and have found a certain inner peace that comes with acceptance of who we are and why we are here. We can now see how the link between true self-knowledge can help us go with the flow of life and help reduce the stresses and strains that may occur at any time and within any life.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed with the imbalances and sickness of our world at this time and perhaps we sometimes try to do too much. If we touch someone in a way to help them, then that is a worthwhile accomplishment that may see that person go on to touch another and so on. We are, after all, one family and we may never know how much we teach others, but we will know that every day there is opportunity for all of us to learn.

It is important to try and keep positive, even in the harshest storm. Hope is not motivating, it feels like we have given up and there is nothing more we can do, and sometimes when it is our time to return Home perhaps that is true, we have done all we can and the last threads have fallen into place. So, rather than finding hope, perhaps we should look for the positives even on the darkest day; ask questions such as "Why is this happening? There is always a reason for everything so what can I do to help myself and others? How can I adjust my own life to go forward with the right energy and purpose?" So, of course we can change, everyone can change, the world can change; but we need that understanding of why things need to change, why things are changing, and what we can do to help. We get back to facing up to truth; about ourselves first and foremost because without a solid foundation of knowledge and understanding, without some peace inside to keep us calm and be the voice of reason, how will we play our part in a way that achieves our purpose, a purpose designed by the Great Mind with good reason.

So, this story is a long one and we are all here to play our part. We cannot take on other people's responsibility but we might need to address our own. If we accept that change is a part of life and not something to be feared, then we can change ourselves and go forward with the flow of life in confidence and with purpose. If we also wish to help others and our world, then the best way to do this is by example, being true to ourselves and simply trying to do the best we can; and no-one could ask for more.

All of this addresses, I believe, the important and thought-provoking issues raised throughout the year in The BeZine. The answer I believe is simple, not necessarily easy and in many respects at this difficult time of great change it will be challenging and testing, but all endeavour will be worthwhile; and if our Spirit is the fuel and the engine for change then we should reach out to this gift of life that is within us all because here we will find all that we need to sustain us, to give us peace, and to enrich us spiritually.