The Stranger Within

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Life and Death

4th July 2024

Sent to the Today Team following the interview with Simon Boas.

Simon was diagnosed with terminal throat cancer last year and has said that enjoying life to the full has prepared him for this; his life experience as an aid worker and Samaritan he said has helped him, and the positivity and acceptance certainly come across in this interview.

Very moved to hear the interview between Simon Boas and Emma Barnett, and very pleased that the subject of life and death is spoken about in a positive way. My beliefs are certainly that death is not an end and that our spirit continues to live in another dimension that I call 'Home', where we came from. As a spirit I believe we live many lives in order to learn and experience many things, as well as teach others, in order to progress in spiritual strength. As Simon said, every life is meaningful because otherwise (as we say in The Erasmus Foundation) it would not have been written in the overall tapestry of life with reason and purpose. The memory of any life is with us forever and I certainly send thoughts to Simon and his family and friends at this time, the positivity and joy of which Simon speaks of being echoed by his spiritual friends back Home waiting to welcome him back.

Thank you for sharing that wonderful, inspiring interview and I hope his book helps many who might fear death to live their life with joy and a certain acceptance.