5th May 2024
For the attention of Dr Isabelle Laumer, Primatologist and Cognitive Biologist at Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour
Cc Dr Caroline Schuppli, Max Planck Research Group Leader
Dear Dr Laumer
I was interested in the recent pictures and video of an orangutan using a medicinal plant to heal a face wound which led me on to read about your research into animal behaviour, particularly apes and Goffin cockatoos. I wondered if you would be interested to consider that perhaps humans were around before apes, and that the latter have been created through incorrect behaviour by humans going against the natural order of things? We have been given information through our spiritual medium, at the Erasmus Foundation, about what really happened in the past, although I know this must be difficult to accept for some people.
In this regard, I thought to introduce you to the work of our charity, The Erasmus Foundation, a spiritual teaching and healing centre based in Laxfield, Suffolk, UK. The Foundation has been around since 1972 and over the years there have been many meetings and seminars where our spiritual tutors would speak to us on a wide range of subjects, including past civilisations on Earth with, to my mind, great simplicity and logic. We believe that each one of us is a Spirit living a life in a human body in order to learn and experience certain things; so, we believe we have had a number of lives before this one, perhaps a great number, and at the end of a life our Spirit, which we say is our mind, retains this knowledge and simply returns to what we call Home, another dimension that is solid, ordered and peaceful.
We have also learnt that Mankind has been present upon this Earth for much longer than our history books acknowledge. One of the concerning aspects of our spiritual inheritance is that at times during past civilisations we have interfered with what we call The Natural Law that governs the Universe and experimented with animals to the extent that mutations were formed – part human, part animal, some of which we know as apes. The Egyptian Sphynx was built a long time ago as a reminder of the mistakes of the past. The mythology of the Minotaurs and Centaurs is also a reminder of past flawed human experimentation with nature. So, our belief is that we did not follow on from apes, we created them and this might explain some of the human characteristics and behaviour of some animals. I will add that this incorrect human behaviour contributed to a large extent to the demise of past civilisations that were in existence many millions of years ago, the most recent one being that of Atlantis which was destroyed about 15,000 years ago. We believe we are currently in the 5th civilisation but on the cusp of the 6th and, if humans are not behaving correctly, it is always at the end of a civilisation and the start of the next that there is great change and upheaval; are the effects of climate change and nature's suffering, amongst other things at this time, identifying with this imbalance?
If Darwin's evolution theory, which seems to have been embraced in many quarters as fact, could be readdressed, and the whole meaning and purpose of life re-considered, then I believe there would be many answers to help us all at this time, including our animals and all of nature and wildlife. I have found that spiritual values such as truth, and finding time to quieten the brain to allow the mind to surface, helps in finding a balance and peace of mind. It also gives confidence to be who we are and gives us strength and clarity in our purpose this time round.
If any of the above is of interest to you I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We have a website, www.erasmus-foundation.org, and also a series of podcasts covering a wide range of subjects, entitled 'The Erasmus Foundation Podcast' which may help answer any questions on this and other subjects.
Thank you for your time in reading this, and I wish you well in your work for the future.