The Stranger Within

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Members of a family in silhouette

One Family

Autumn Newsletter 2022

There have been many moving and sometimes revealing words spoken about our late Queen, all of them an example of how she lived her life and how she touched many people in the best possible way.

As we remember our late Queen we may be sad, reflective, tearful, heartbroken, but the words of one member of the public struck me and that was to say that it was like we were 'One Family' in coming together to share these times. And I thought, yes, we need one another in life, and perhaps we recognise this more especially at times of tragedy, hardship, difficulties and loss. Barriers come down, people reach out to one another and strangers talk together. We see unity, sharing, friendship, concern – all qualities that Spirit speak so often about and, perhaps more than anything, they like to see because they know what it can bring. We can find comfort, strength, understanding, truth, and much more, when we are One Family with no barriers, prejudices or expectations.

This natural need to come together at certain times will stand us in good stead in the coming months and years; and one day in the future, perhaps not so far off, we know that this endeavour will bring the reality of 'One Family' to each and every one living on the Earth, a place revived, in peace, in balance and in truth, under the wings of the One God.