The Stranger Within

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Orangutan mother and baby

Where Has Covid Come From?

May 2023

Sent to The Today Programme on BBC Radio 4

No-one is asking the question 'Where have the animals acquired the virus from?' We believe at The Erasmus Foundation that Mankind's behaviour has created the right conditions through long term pollution and abuse of our natural world via industry, farming, vehicle emissions, and animal welfare, amongst other abuses, and this has allowed viruses to surface and grow in strength. The Erasmus Foundation has a podcast which discusses this and many other related topics – 'The Erasmus Foundation Podcast'.

We are continuing to feed all viruses in a negative way through our behaviour and so we will only see viruses growing in strength as they mix together in human bodies and develop a more fatal outcome to larger numbers of the world population.

If John Sudworth is open to all possibilities, I think the above question should be asked and investigated in his podcast.