Julia Griffin - author

The Stranger Within
Lily pad

The Great Mind's Concern

Autumn Newsletter 2019

Why is it that the words "In your wanderings, remember me* ..." release some emotion every time I read them or think about them? Is it that the words 'remember me' could reflect that we are lost and we have lost touch with the Great Mind, our father and the source of our existence? Is it that these words touch a great truth within us and that the feeling of concern and the graciousness of these words is so moving?

Am I emotional because there is a lack of spiritual strength and true self awareness and I feel a sense of loneliness without this remembrance and self knowledge as if a part of me was not fully conscious and allowed to live and be free?

I have to say that the paragraph above is probably true for my past because in recent times this emotion is less charged than when I first heard these words. I can think about them and reflect upon them because I feel a little stronger spiritually than before. I have more acceptance and understanding of who I am and feel more at peace and in touch with the Great Mind and what he has given me. I believe many of us could say this who have battled their way over the years, working to put into practise what we have been taught and understood from our tutors. However, the words still have an impact and I believe this is true for many who read them.

It can be a sad, lonely and difficult world at the moment, especially if you do not know yourself well and do not know of the great wisdom and knowledge that is held within your Spirit, the half of your structure that holds everything of value and is linked to a mind that is so strong and pure. So people are struggling. People are searching, it would seem, and perhaps many are frightened because they sense and know that things are not right and that the imbalance is more apparent in all areas of life.

But the Great Mind has great concern for all his children, we know, and alongside this sadness and difficulty and the tests and traumas, there will be opportunities, especially at this time, for a deeper understanding and acceptance of what life is about, of individual purpose and reason for being the way we are and for what is happening in our lives. Slowly coming together, as will be the consequence of these great changes in the near future, will help us all in developing our own strength and getting to know ourselves more fully and with greater clarity.

Perhaps, then, these words 'In your wanderings, remember me ...' will be like a scar of emotion for those of us who heard them in difficult times, memories of the past that have made us what we now are. Perhaps this deeper understanding and greater peace inside will give us a quieter feel and a greater respect for the author. In great awe and wonderment and amazement do we realise, in some small way, what life is about and how, during our wanderings, we have changed; and in those changes, how we have grown spiritually and can do the work that is meant and laid down for us.

(*The piece that includes the words 'In your wanderings)