Julia Griffin - author

The Stranger Within

About the Author

Julia Griffin

Julia's love of writing started early in the form of writing a diary at school, followed by diaries during her various travels round the U.S., India, Kashmir, Scotland and Wales. Many of Julia's travels were on her own and so writing thoughts, experiences and events was a way of satisfying a need to communicate personal thoughts and also offload, at times, emotions and feelings.

In 1979, through her mother, Julia met Paddina and Gordon Cole who had started The Fellowship of Erasmus, now named The Erasmus Foundation, a spiritual teaching and healing centre and registered charity based in Suffolk. She was immediately fascinated with what she heard from the spiritual tutors within the Foundation and continued to attend various meetings and seminars over the following decades. Julia also felt drawn to Paddina and Gordon personally and, like many who came into contact, learnt so much from their example.

As her confidence grew and an understanding and acceptance settled into a strong belief and purpose, Julia's writing evolved into subjects relating to getting to know yourself, being true to yourself and what this can give you; and subjects that give meaning to who and what you are, why you are here and where you have come from.

Having gained so much from her journey to date Julia felt inspired to share her experience and understanding through the various writings you will find here and which involve a wealth of spiritual knowledge and wisdom provided by the spiritual tutors at the Erasmus Foundation. Some of these writings go back many years and have formed a part of The Erasmus Newsletter, the quarterly magazine of The Erasmus Foundation, which itself has evolved as the contributors also developed. There are also various communications, listed under 'Insights', sent to Government and individuals in all areas of life and which cover a range of topical subjects, again using the knowledge and understanding from the Foundation. Recently Julia has been writing for some online magazines to try and reach out further to those who might be like minded or searching for answers to life's many questions.

Julia's hope and wish is that these writings will stimulate some thought to help provide some answers to people's lives so that the challenges and difficulties in this uncertain world can be faced with more clarity and understanding. As events unfold and expose the reason and purpose behind the imbalance and sickness of our world, there is much material to write about, and much to give light, hope and positivity for the future.

In this respect, Julia would wish to draw attention to the following website and podcast www.erasmus-foundation.org and also www.ancientpublishing.co.uk.

Julia lives with her husband, Hedley, in Laxfield, Suffolk, U.K., the home of The Erasmus Foundation, where she is one of a small number of volunteers working for the charity. Sharing their home are two wonderful dogs and two loving cats. Julia is an avid feeder of birds and lover of nature, a keen grower of vegetables and fruit, and enjoys experimenting with vegetarian cooking.