Julia Griffin - author

The Stranger Within
A honey bee flying near a flower

A Tipping Point

9th August 2021

For the attention of Mr Nick Bridge, Special Representative for Climate Change

Dear Mr Bridge

The Erasmus Foundation is a spiritual teaching and healing centre based in Suffolk. Every week we have discussions and talks given to us by Spirit. Many of these have invoked questions and discussions concerning the state of this world, and the concern for this summit is a concern to all peoples surely? Above all, the state of our world is a concern to Spirit.

The main cause of the present pandemic and climate change, and other events to occur in the near future within the Earth, is Man's pollution and mismanagement of our planet, especially concerning farming methods and industrialisation which is polluting and poisoning the world. This situation can only be changed by Mankind taking the appropriate action to save his planet and bring health and sanity back to his world.

Could we be at a tipping point, not only with climate change but with pollution of all habitats and, in particular, insect life which could have a devastating impact on our food and water supplies and lead to hunger and want across the whole world, not just the poorer countries.

Would you be happy for us to send you a copy of last week's talk (actual talk approx 15 minutes long) by Spirit which discusses much of this problem? Please let us know and we could send this to you as a Wetransfer.

Thank you for your time, as I know you must be very busy, but we wish to help in whatever way we can.