Julia Griffin - author

The Stranger Within
Mob and fire unrest

Anarchy and Unrest

25th March 2021

Mr Andy Street
Mayor West Midlands Combined Authority

Dear Mr Street

We, at the Erasmus Foundation, would like to inform you of some knowledge we have been given many years ago concerning this time within the World. This may seem a little strange for what we believe but time will reveal that indeed what we are suggesting is to become very evident.

Many years ago our spiritual tutors informed us of a 'thought virus' inspired in evil which had been created to cause unrest and destruction in our World. Evil abounds across our World in greater strength at this time than it has ever occasioned within the whole of the Universe. This is known and understood in Spirit and accepted that this should be at this time and it is Man's responsibility to police this and eventually bring it under control as it should be.

The extremes of weather and disease had been forecast many years ago and this Foundation has been preparing itself to be of help and support for this particular time. The virus pandemic is to develop and cause many changes over the next few years but, as a consequence, it will cause a financial crash within our World; and by other events to occur through the imbalance of Mankind and his impact on causing such an unhealthy, sick World, it is to invoke more anarchy and unrest. Through some of the events expected to occur, many numbers of people will be evacuating the larger cities seeking refuge and sustenance in the countryside.

All of this will cause more pressure and demand on the police force and military services in support. The consequence of this age is that the police force will need, by necessity, to develop greater intelligence in its means to bring all of this under control. Of course, physical strength will always be needed but more and more it will be a necessary requirement to develop the mind in policing for the future.

If, during the 1930s, Mankind knew what evil was, how it works, and what it aims by its purpose then perhaps Hitler would not have been allowed the liberty to create such destruction across this World. For the future Man will understand this completely and thereby control the forces of evil by using his mind as it should be. Sadly, the Second World War had to be to teach Man how evil works.

If any of this has any acceptable meaning to you and you would like to discuss this more, we would be pleased to hear from you.